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We are one of the few fashion brands to have our own production atelier, where all of our collections are made. This gives us full insight into the production process.


In our industry, production usually takes place on the other side of the world. At Vanilia, we do things differently. With our production atelier relatively close by in Turkey, our collections can be transported to our boutiques by road instead of by air. Instead of using plastic to package our clothing, we use bags made from recycled materials left over from our production process.


For more than 25 years, our clothing has been made by experts with a passion for the craft. Thanks to this long-term collaboration, our colleagues know our signature Vanilia look and help us continue to improve every day. We use state-of-the-art machines to produce our innovative and sustainable clothing lines. What makes our method so unique is that we are one of the few fashion brands to have full autonomy over our production process. In addition to ensuring the high quality of our garments, we also guarantee a safe work environment for our colleagues. The solar panels
on the roof of our production atelier is another step in the road towards a sustainable work process.


Good social working conditions are important to us and we are always looking for ways to improve our quality. We pick up our colleagues at home and bring them to the atelier. A doctor is available every week and a hot meal is provided daily. It's important to us that everyone is happy, healthy, and comfortable in our workplace.